Cooking dinner for two, I usually make some main dish (meat or fish) or some stir fries to be eaten with rice, and then either steamed/stired vegetable or soup. This usually feed us dinner, and then lunch/dinner the next day. Not too bad, so I cook one day, then we eat left-overs for the next day. This works out ok. I usually try to cook at least 1 or 2 times a week. In between, we may eat out with coworkers at work, and usually we eat out on weekends, and grocery shop for the following week.
+ Boil a pot of water (if you have chicken broth, you can use them)
+ Wash 3 medium sized bitter melons. Half them, scoop out the seeds.
+ Cut bitter melon into thin slices as shown in picture (or you can cut them into squares)
+ 1 stalk of green onion, cut into pieces of length 1/2 to 1 inch
+ 1 boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into thin slices

+ Once water is boiled, add the bitter melons into the pot.
+ Add chicken (not particular any time, you can add right after or wait 1-2 minutes)
+ Let it cook for another 5-10 minutes, then add the green onions.
+ Add 1.5 tsp salt, or to taste. (I also add 1/2 tsp of the vegetable seasoning powder for better taste)
+ If you like pepper like me, add some ground black pepper into the pot right before turning off heat.

oooh! great blog! yay, I have a place to go when I decide to cook. :D
Hi Caroline!!! Thanks for visiting and commenting. Yay, try them out sometimes, I usually post easy/daily cooking recipes b/c that's what most of us busy bees cook at home anyways.
I actually grew up liking bitter melon. The soup is very enjoyable, but cooking it stir fried as a stand alone dish is delicious. Thanks for the recipe!
Hi pepsimonster:
Oh yeah I love it stir fried as well, different ways. Now that you remind me, I should make bitter melon stir fried. Hehehe, I should make the hubbie eat more bitter melon to ease all the cholesterol from his pork belly eating habit.LOL.
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