I enjoy browsing the Target's grocery section, by the way. I usually don't end up buying much from there, typically just pick up a pack of Activia yogurt, but its just fun browsing the different ailses. The frozen lunches look so tempting too (especially with the unpredictable work schedule, skipping lunch or late lunches seem like the norm for my project group nowadays). But so far, I still cook for both of us, and eat dinner left-overs for next day's lunch. We live close enough to work that I am able to go home at lunch time, eat and let my 2 dogs out and sometimes able to squeeze in some simple house chore like dropping the laundry into the washer so that it'll be ready for drying after I get home from work, etc. My 2009's resolution is to strive for work life balance, that means to maintain a work schedule that is non-interfering with my regular everyday life and activities. In even simpler words that means "screw work" ...LOL...
Simple life with happy living.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.;)
I agree with Tan. Simplifying brings balance and happiness. It's not always easy, but if you're making a point to strive for this then you're likely to achieve it...eventually! Keep up the home-cooking, and hey, there's nothing wrong with feeding the occasional sweet craving!
Hi Tan and Sapuche:
thanks! There are times when I find myself wanting alot, but then some other times I am just laid back like that.. hehe.
Sapuche: thanks for visiting. I'll keep checking on your blog to see where else tastes good
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